Thursday, May 01, 2008


Just a little update.

*The fishing expedition on Friday was lost of fun. We caught nothing in the morning, but had lots of fun with a bream bed in the afternoon. Never could locate any crappie. It was hot. We did see a deer swimming right beside us. And as usual, there were some funny moments. This time at the landing- As I got on the land out of the boat, my cell phone fell off in the water. It was right at the edge and I retrieved it quickly. Luckily, it was off and it worked the next day after drying out. Then we had a horrible time getting the boat on the trailer. The ramp(if you would call it that) was very rocky and uneven. I backed the trailer and James tried to drive to boat on to get it out. We made 3 or 4 attempts,and finally got it on and out of the water- with the boat motor still running. The keystone cops or three stooges probably couldn't have done a better job. But we did have fun.

*Mom and Dad and doing well. I visited with them yesterday and while there, Kim came in with Addi, Levi, and Lila. What a great dose of medicine for Mom and Dad! For me too!

*I have been in a gospel meeting this week at Quintown. Long time friend, Tommy Alford preaches there. Also, for those of you who know them, Jennifer recently had a miscarriage- Pray for her.
It has been a joy, and continues through tonight, though I have missed being at Sylvan Springs.

*Pam Glenn had to have an appendectomy yesterday. It hasn't been long since she had some other surgery. Pray for Pam.

*My dear sister in law, Mary, is still waiting for a liver transplant. She looks so healthy, but is having some rough days. Keep her in your prayers.

*I must get back to my sermon work. It has seemed like Monday morning, every day this week, probably because of the sinus problems I have been having. But it is a beautiful day.

*Ever wonder if it is worth the time it takes to blog? Here is a thought. Is it worth the time it takes to make new friends and keep up with old ones?

*If I haven't told you lately, I love you, and more importantly- God does too.
Happy blogging!


  1. We've missed you at church. So sorry we never got around to coming to hear you at Quinntown! We were, but you know how things have been! Glad to hear from you! Thanks for being at the hospital yesterday! Love ya!

  2. Well it sounds like you and James had a great day fishing are not fishing. I wish I could have been around to see all the action were I could get a good laugh. I can always us a good laugh. Well I feel like we need a cow around here we drink so much milk. Well today Robin gets her 2nd MRI results please keep us in your prayers today as we hear them. I am happy your parents are doing well and you know these little kids can put a smile on your face when you are down and out. Well take care and May God bless.
