Friday, August 29, 2008

Church Thievery

My Mom used to say that the lowest people were those who stole flowers from the cemetary. Well, I don't know who is lower, but when someone steals the flowers from the church building, I would say that is pretty low, too. A year or so ago, someone took 3 decorative benches and a large flower pot(with flowers) from the front of our building. This week someone took a concrete flower planter, about 1 ft wide by 3 ft long. Yes, that is really heavy. Perhaps they got tired and decided not to take the other 5 that they left intact. It took a strong person(possible 2) to lift it. And why did they steal the flowers?
1. Perhaps the most obvious reason- because they were there. Some people seem to just like to steal.
2. Maybe they just loved the flowers- they were pretty.
3. They had no flowers of their own and couldn't afford to buy a pack of seeds.
4. They were good "tree hugger" nature lovers who took the flowers to protect them.
5. They needed the exercise and plan to use the concrete planter as a large weight.
6. They can't grow any flowers they do not know how.
7. They needed the flowers for food(they might be poison?)
What reasons can you think of?


  1. I hope they get a hernia!

  2. Their mother's birthday, perhaps?

  3. maybe they were replacing flowers that were stolen off their loved ones' graves :)

  4. Maybe They were just a clepto who had nothing better to do and maybe they are listening to your Radio
