Friday, March 30, 2007

MSOP Lectures

It was a joy for me to be able to speak at the Memphis School of Preaching lectures on Tuesday. The school has a beautiful new library and new student housing being built. I got to hear some great lessons and see several friends. There was a dinner honoring Don and Jane McWhorter on Monday night that I attended. They have been such an inspiration to so many. I never knew that Bro. Don had preached to the Dolly Lama(sp?) or spent three hours visiting Johnny Cash in jail. As I said there were many great lessons preached, and all are available for viewing on the net at the link above( Just click on the arrow in the top left corner above.) In fact, they have 5 years of the lectures archived. Check it out.


  1. Glad you were chosen to speak.

  2. Anonymous6:56 PM

    this blog needs a serius update

  3. Ready for an update! And so is Tyrone...whoever that is....
