Monday, March 24, 2008

A Merry Heart

I think this blog needs a little more humor lately. Last night was one of those moments at Sylvan Springs that you don't forget for a while. It was singing night and one of our well meaning deacons was going to brag on our singing. His comparison was that he had attended a church twice as large while visiting away yesterday morning and the singing was still not as loud or spirited as ours. Instead of saying he had been at "________ Church of Christ" which was the case, he said he had attended "__________ Assembly of God". He didn't realize what he had said, but everyone else did. I doubt I was the only one who had to wipe his eyes from getting so tickled. It was the last song before I had to extend the invitation and I told some of our folks I should receive an award for regaining my composure. I was reminded of a time when I was preaching on the crucifixion and in my most dramatic tone said, "And they placed a "thrown of corns upon his head."


  1. Good story. By the way, you all may be getting one of my favorite people! Jennifer Ryan McCuiston. I've known her pretty much all of her life and did her wedding. She is super spiritual and spirited as well :). She and her husband Ryan are very, very special and should be a tremendous addition to the work there.

  2. I'm glad he didn't lead the invitation song. He might have had to go forward as he lead the song.
